(auth_serguzim_me) {
    # always forward outpost path to actual outpost
    reverse_proxy /outpost.goauthentik.io/* authentik:9000

    # forward authentication to outpost
    forward_auth authentik:9000 {
        uri /outpost.goauthentik.io/auth/caddy

        # capitalization of the headers is important, otherwise they will be empty
        copy_headers X-Authentik-Username X-Authentik-Groups X-Authentik-Email X-Authentik-Name X-Authentik-Uid X-Authentik-Jwt X-Authentik-Meta-Jwks X-Authentik-Meta-Outpost X-Authentik-Meta-Provider X-Authentik-Meta-App X-Authentik-Meta-Version

        # optional, in this config trust all private ranges, should probably be set to the outposts IP
        trusted_proxies private_ranges

(default) {
	encode zstd gzip

(acmedns) {
	tls {
		dns acmedns {
			username "{$ACMEDNS_USER}"
			password "{$ACMEDNS_PASS}"
			subdomain "{$ACMEDNS_SUBD}"
			server_url "{$ACMEDNS_URL}"

(faas) {
	rewrite * /function/{args[0]}{uri}
	reverse_proxy https://faas.serguzim.me {
		header_up Host {http.reverse_proxy.upstream.hostport}

(analytics) {
	handle_path /_a/* {
		reverse_proxy https://analytics.serguzim.me {
			header_up X-Analytics-IP {remote}
			header_up Host {http.reverse_proxy.upstream.hostport}