--- - name: Set common facts ansible.builtin.import_tasks: tasks/set-default-facts.yml - name: Deploy {{ role_name }} vars: env: "{{ lego_env }}" json: "{{ vault_acmedns_registered | acmedns_to_lego }}" compose: "{{ lego_compose }}" block: - name: Import prepare tasks for common service ansible.builtin.import_tasks: tasks/prepare-common-service.yml - name: Create _certificates directory ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ certificates_path }}" state: directory mode: "0755" - name: Import tasks specific to the config directory ansible.builtin.import_tasks: config.yml - name: Import tasks specific to hooks ansible.builtin.import_tasks: hooks.yml - name: Import tasks specific to systemd ansible.builtin.import_tasks: systemd.yml - name: Copy the run script ansible.builtin.copy: src: "lego.sh" dest: "{{ (service_path, 'lego.sh') | path_join }}" mode: "0755" - name: Import tasks create a service.env file ansible.builtin.import_tasks: tasks/steps/template-service-env.yml - name: Run certificate-script for domains ansible.builtin.command: cmd: "./lego.sh {{ item }}" chdir: "{{ service_path }}" become: true loop: "{{ lego_host_certificates }}" register: cmd_result changed_when: cmd_result.stderr | regex_search('Server responded with a certificate.')