--- - name: Mount the boot directory ansible.posix.mount: src: "{{ dietpi_device }}1" path: "{{ (build_dir.path, 'mount') | path_join }}" fstype: auto state: ephemeral become: true - name: Set default path to place configs ansible.builtin.set_fact: config_path: "{{ (build_dir.path, 'mount') | path_join }}" - name: Check if dietpi.txt exists in root ansible.builtin.stat: path: "{{ (config_path, 'dietpi.txt') | path_join }}" register: dietpi_config_file - name: Set config path into boot directory ansible.builtin.set_fact: config_path: "{{ (config_path, 'boot') | path_join }}" when: not dietpi_config_file.stat.exists - name: Template dietpi.txt ansible.builtin.template: src: dietpi.txt.j2 dest: "{{ (config_path, 'dietpi.txt') | path_join }}" become: true - name: Template dietpi-wifi.txt ansible.builtin.template: src: dietpi-wifi.txt.j2 dest: "{{ (config_path, 'dietpi-wifi.txt') | path_join }}" when: dietpi.auto_setup.net_wifi_enabled | default(False) become: true - name: Try to copy Automation_Custom_Script.sh ansible.builtin.copy: src: Automation_Custom_Script.sh dest: "{{ (config_path, 'Automation_Custom_Script.sh') | path_join }}" ignore_errors: true - name: Try to template Automation_Custom_Script.sh ansible.builtin.template: src: Automation_Custom_Script.sh.j2 dest: "{{ (config_path, 'Automation_Custom_Script.sh') | path_join }}" ignore_errors: true - name: Unmount the boot directory ansible.posix.mount: path: "{{ (build_dir.path, 'mount') | path_join }}" state: unmounted become: true