#!/usr/bin/env sh _autoinstall_all () { plug_path="$HOME/.config/vim/autoload/plug.vim" if [ ! -f "$plug_path" ] then _autoinstall_file "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim" "$plug_path" [ -x "$(command -v vim)" ] && yes | vim +'PlugInstall --sync' +qa --not-a-term fi nvim_dir="$HOME/.config/nvim" if [ ! -d "$nvim_dir" ] then _autoinstall_git "https://github.com/AstroNvim/AstroNvim" "$nvim_dir" [ -x "$(command -v nvim)" ] && nvim --headless -c 'autocmd User PackerComplete quitall' -c 'PackerSync' fi if [ ! -x "$(command -v starship)" ] then mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/bin" curl -sS "https://starship.rs/install.sh" | BIN_DIR="$HOME/.local/bin" FORCE=1 sh fi if [ -x "$(command -v envsubst)" ] then wakatime_cfg="$WAKATIME_HOME/.wakatime.cfg" wakatime_tpl="$wakatime_cfg.tpl" envsubst < "$wakatime_tpl" > "$wakatime_cfg" fi _autoinstall_file \ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qw3rtman/git-fire/master/git-fire" \ "$HOME/.local/bin/git-fire" } _autoinstall_git () { if [ ! -d "$2" ] then echo "Installing repo $1 to $2" mkdir -p "$2" git clone "$1" "$2" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } _autoinstall_file () { if [ ! -f "$2" ] then echo "Installing file $1 to $2" file_path=$(dirname "$2") mkdir -p "$file_path" cd "$file_path" || exit curl -sSo "$2" "$1" fi } case $1 in all) _autoinstall_all ;; git) _autoinstall_git "$2" "$3" ;; file) _autoinstall_file "$2" "$3" ;; *) echo "'$1' is not valid" ;; esac