#include #include #include #include #include #include #include void api_v1_controllers_STR_relays_GET(struct http_message *hm, endpoint_args_t *args, endpoint_response_t *response) { (void)hm; uuid_t target_uid; if(uuid_parse(args[0].value.v_str, target_uid)) { LOG_DEBUG("failed to unparse uid\n"); static const char content[] = "given id was invalid"; response->status_code = 400; response->content_type = "text/plain"; response->content_length = STRLEN(content);; response->content = content; response->alloced_content = false; return; } controller_t* controller = controller_get_by_uid(target_uid); if(!controller) { LOG_DEBUG("could not find a controller for uid '%s'\n", args[0].value.v_str); static const char content[] = "no controller for id found"; response->status_code = 404; response->content_type = "text/plain"; response->content_length = STRLEN(content);; response->content = content; response->alloced_content = false; return; } relay_t** all_relays = relay_get_by_controller_id(controller->id); cJSON *json = cJSON_CreateArray(); for(int i = 0; all_relays[i] != NULL; ++i) { cJSON *json_relay = relay_to_json(all_relays[i]); cJSON_AddItemToArray(json, json_relay); } char *json_str = cJSON_Print(json); if (json_str == NULL) { LOG_ERROR("failed to print relays json\n"); static const char content[] = "failed to print json for relays"; response->status_code = 500; response->content_type = "text/plain"; response->content_length = STRLEN(content);; response->content = content; response->alloced_content = false; } else { response->status_code = 200; response->content_type = "application/json"; response->content_length = strlen(json_str); response->content = json_str; response->alloced_content = true; } cJSON_Delete(json); relay_free_list(all_relays); controller_free(controller); }