#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void api_v1_schedules_STR_GET(struct http_message *hm, endpoint_args_t *args, endpoint_response_t *response) { (void)hm; uuid_t target_uid; if(schedule_uid_parse(args[0].value.v_str, target_uid)) { LOG_DEBUG("failed to unparse uid\n"); static const char content[] = "given id was invalid"; endpoint_response_text(response, 400, content, STRLEN(content)); return; } schedule_t* schedule = schedule_get_by_uid(target_uid); if(!schedule) { LOG_DEBUG("could not find a schedule for uid '%s'\n", args[0].value.v_str); static const char content[] = "no schedule for id found"; endpoint_response_text(response, 404, content, STRLEN(content)); return; } cJSON *json = schedule_to_json(schedule); endpoint_response_json(response, 200, json); cJSON_Delete(json); schedule_free(schedule); } void api_v1_schedules_STR_PUT(struct http_message *hm, endpoint_args_t *args, endpoint_response_t *response) { (void)hm; uuid_t target_uid; if(schedule_uid_parse(args[0].value.v_str, target_uid)) { LOG_DEBUG("failed to unparse uid\n"); static const char content[] = "given id was invalid"; endpoint_response_text(response, 400, content, STRLEN(content)); return; } schedule_t* schedule = schedule_get_by_uid(target_uid); if(!schedule) { LOG_DEBUG("could not find a schedule for uid '%s'\n", args[0].value.v_str); static const char content[] = "no schedule for id found"; endpoint_response_text(response, 404, content, STRLEN(content)); return; } cJSON *json = cJSON_ParseWithLength(hm->body.p, hm->body.len); if(json == NULL) { static const char content[] = "no valid json was supplied"; endpoint_response_text(response, 400, content, STRLEN(content)); return; } cJSON *json_name = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(json, "name"); if(cJSON_IsString(json_name) && json_name->valuestring) { strncpy(schedule->name, json_name->valuestring, MAX_NAME_LENGTH); schedule->name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = '\0'; } if(!schedule_is_protected(schedule)) { cJSON *json_period; cJSON *json_periods = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(json, "periods"); int periods_count = cJSON_GetArraySize(json_periods); free(schedule->periods); schedule->periods = malloc(sizeof(period_t) * periods_count); int periods_valid = 0; cJSON_ArrayForEach(json_period, json_periods) { cJSON *json_period_start = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(json_period, "start"); cJSON *json_period_end = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(json_period, "end"); if(!cJSON_IsString(json_period_start) || (json_period_start->valuestring == NULL)) { LOG_DEBUG("period is missing start\n"); continue; } if(!cJSON_IsString(json_period_end) || (json_period_end->valuestring == NULL)) { LOG_DEBUG("period is missing end\n"); continue; } uint16_t start; uint16_t end; if(period_helper_parse_hhmm(json_period_start->valuestring, &start)) { LOG_DEBUG("couldn't parse start '%s'\n", json_period_start->valuestring); continue; } if(period_helper_parse_hhmm(json_period_end->valuestring, &end)) { LOG_DEBUG("couldn't parse end '%s'\n", json_period_end->valuestring); continue; } schedule->periods[periods_valid].start = start; schedule->periods[periods_valid].end = end; ++periods_valid; } schedule->periods_count = periods_valid; } if(schedule_save(schedule)) { LOG_ERROR("failed to save schedule\n"); free(schedule); cJSON_Delete(json); static const char content[] = "failed to save schedule to database"; endpoint_response_text(response, 500, content, STRLEN(content)); return; } relay_t **relays = relay_get_with_schedule(schedule->id); for(int i = 0; relays[i] != NULL; ++i) { command_set_relay_schedule(relays[i]); } cJSON *json_tag; cJSON *json_tags = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(json, "tags"); if(cJSON_IsArray(json_tags)) { junction_tag_remove_for_schedule(schedule->id); } cJSON_ArrayForEach(json_tag, json_tags) { if(!cJSON_IsString(json_tag) || (json_tag->valuestring == NULL)) { LOG_DEBUG("invalid tag in tags\n"); continue; } const char *tag = json_tag->valuestring; int tag_id = tag_get_id(tag); if(tag_id == 0) { tag_save(tag_id, tag); tag_id = tag_get_id(tag); } junction_tag_insert(tag_id, 0, schedule->id); } cJSON_Delete(json); json = schedule_to_json(schedule); endpoint_response_json(response, 200, json); cJSON_Delete(json); relay_free_list(relays); schedule_free(schedule); } void api_v1_schedules_STR_DELETE(struct http_message *hm, endpoint_args_t *args, endpoint_response_t *response) { (void)hm; const char *target_uid_str = args[0].value.v_str; uuid_t target_uid; if(schedule_uid_parse(target_uid_str, target_uid)) { LOG_DEBUG("failed to unparse uid\n"); static const char content[] = "given id was invalid"; endpoint_response_text(response, 400, content, STRLEN(content)); return; } schedule_t* schedule = schedule_get_by_uid(target_uid); if(!schedule) { LOG_DEBUG("could not find a schedule for uid '%s'\n", args[0].value.v_str); static const char content[] = "no schedule for id found"; endpoint_response_text(response, 404, content, STRLEN(content)); return; } if(schedule_is_protected(schedule)) { static const char content[] = "target schedule is protected"; endpoint_response_text(response, 403, content, STRLEN(content)); schedule_free(schedule); return; } if(schedule_remove(schedule)) { LOG_ERROR("failed to remove schedule from database\n"); static const char content[] = "failed to remove schedule from database"; endpoint_response_text(response, 500, content, STRLEN(content)); } else { endpoint_response_text(response, 200, "", 0); } schedule_free(schedule); return; }