#include #include #include #include #include #include #include void api_v1_controllers_STR_GET(struct mg_connection *c, endpoint_args_t *args, struct http_message *hm) { (void)hm; uuid_t target_uid; if(uuid_parse(args[0].value.v_str, target_uid)) { LOG_ERROR("failed to unparse uid\n"); mg_send_head(c, 400, 2, "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" STANDARD_HEADERS); mg_printf(c, "{}"); return; } controller_t* controller = controller_get_by_uid(target_uid); if(!controller) { LOG_ERROR("could not find a controller for uid '%s'\n", args[0].value.v_str); mg_send_head(c, 404, 2, "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" STANDARD_HEADERS); mg_printf(c, "{}"); return; } cJSON *json = controller_to_json(controller); char *json_str = cJSON_Print(json); if (json_str == NULL) { LOG_ERROR("failed to print controllers json\n"); mg_send_head(c, 500, 2, "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" STANDARD_HEADERS); mg_printf(c, "[]"); } else { mg_send_head(c, 200, strlen(json_str), "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" STANDARD_HEADERS); mg_printf(c, "%s", json_str); free(json_str); } cJSON_Delete(json); controller_free(controller); } void api_v1_controllers_STR_PUT(struct mg_connection *c, endpoint_args_t *args, struct http_message *hm) { (void)hm; uuid_t target_uid; if(uuid_parse(args[0].value.v_str, target_uid)) { LOG_ERROR("failed to unparse uid\n"); mg_send_head(c, 400, 2, "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" STANDARD_HEADERS); mg_printf(c, "{}"); return; } controller_t* controller = controller_get_by_uid(target_uid); if(!controller) { LOG_ERROR("could not find a controller for uid '%s'\n", args[0].value.v_str); mg_send_head(c, 404, 2, "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" STANDARD_HEADERS); mg_printf(c, "{}"); return; } cJSON *json = cJSON_ParseWithLength(hm->body.p, hm->body.len); if(json == NULL) { const char *error_ptr = cJSON_GetErrorPtr(); if (error_ptr != NULL) { LOG_ERROR("error before: %s\n", error_ptr); } cJSON_Delete(json); mg_send_head(c, 400, 2, "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" STANDARD_HEADERS); mg_printf(c, "{}"); return; } cJSON *json_name = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(json, "name"); if(cJSON_IsString(json_name) && json_name->valuestring) { strncpy(controller->name, json_name->valuestring, MAX_NAME_LENGTH); controller->name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = '\0'; } cJSON *json_ip = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(json, "ip"); if(cJSON_IsString(json_ip) && json_ip->valuestring) { strncpy(controller->ip, json_ip->valuestring, IP_LENGTH); controller->ip[IP_LENGTH] = '\0'; } if(controller_save(controller)) { LOG_ERROR("failed to save controller\n"); mg_send_head(c, 500, 2, "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" STANDARD_HEADERS); mg_printf(c, "{}"); free(controller); cJSON_Delete(json); return; } cJSON_Delete(json); json = controller_to_json(controller); int result = command_set_controller_name(controller); int status_code = 200; if(result) { status_code = 504; } char *json_str = cJSON_Print(json); if (json_str == NULL) { LOG_ERROR("failed to print controller json\n"); mg_send_head(c, status_code, 2, "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" STANDARD_HEADERS); mg_printf(c, "{}"); } else { mg_send_head(c, status_code, strlen(json_str), "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" STANDARD_HEADERS); mg_printf(c, "%s", json_str); free(json_str); } cJSON_Delete(json); controller_free(controller); } void api_v1_controllers_STR_DELETE(struct mg_connection *c, endpoint_args_t *args, struct http_message *hm) { (void)hm; const char *target_uid_str = args[0].value.v_str; uuid_t target_uid; if(uuid_parse(target_uid_str, target_uid)) { LOG_ERROR("failed to unparse uid\n"); mg_send_head(c, 400, 2, "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" STANDARD_HEADERS); mg_printf(c, "{}"); return; } controller_t* controller = controller_get_by_uid(target_uid); if(!controller) { LOG_ERROR("could not find a controller for uid '%s'\n", target_uid_str); mg_send_head(c, 404, 2, "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" STANDARD_HEADERS); mg_printf(c, "{}"); return; } if(controller_remove(controller)) { mg_send_head(c, 500, 2, "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" STANDARD_HEADERS); mg_printf(c, "{}"); } else { mg_send_head(c, 200, 2, "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" STANDARD_HEADERS); mg_printf(c, "{}"); } controller_free(controller); return; }